Buying our 2005 Northern Lite 10-2

This camper……ohhhhh this camper. Before we went to pick it up in August 2019, after seeing the photos, Todd and I prayed (I mean we seriously prayed several times about it before picking it up). We prayed that it would not be in as bad of shape as it looked. We kept saying to each other, maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised when we see it in person. Guess what! It was worse than we expected….I saw the disappointment in Todd’s face when we were actually standing there in front of it and he opened the doors to the basement. I was so so sad because I wanted it to be the perfect truck camper for us.

At $7k the price was better than most used older ones that we’d seen for sale even in rough shape like it was, and now after seeing it in person, we knew why. When Todd spoke to the owner on the phone, originally that is what we agreed to pay but when we saw it in person, there was no way on God’s green earth that Todd would have paid $7k for this camper.

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