Moisture Under Your RV or Boat Mattress? – You Could Use a Froli

The Problem

In July 2019 we purchased a 2005 Northern Lite 10-2 Truck Camper. If you know anything about Northern Lites, you know they are the cream of the crop. There was a problem, this camper was riddled with moisture and water damage.

The moisture came from a period of time (months, maybe years) that the camper had repeatedly had water flow into it without proper maintenance to keep it out. There were two vent pipe covers on the top of the camper that were broken off leaving two openings that collected rain down in the basement of the camper over time. Before we loaded it up to bring it home, the previous owner removed the mattress because it was covered in mildew.

Since the day we brought this truck camper home, all of issues have been repaired. After several months of blood, sweat and tears, we have repaired all of the damage caused by a camper’s biggest nemesis, water. This is why proper maintenance on ANY camper is so very important. Please maintain the seals on your camper!!

The Froli System is super easy to install and it’s definitely worth it to us to keep the moisture out from under our mattress. It leaves at least an inch under the mattress for it to air out, even when you’re sleeping on it.

The Solution

After dealing with the damages done by water, and after researching our options to control moisture collection under the mattress, we decided on the FROLI . It isn’t super cheap but guess what, if you accounted for the damage done because of moisture, the cost of the FROLI is minimal.

Several months ago we released a video on our YouTube channel about the ease of installation and the use of the FROLI (You can view it by clicking on the video the bottom of this article) and we’re proud to say, we have been more than thrilled with our decision to install it in our Northern Lite. Very soon, we’ll be putting our 2005 Northern Lite 10-2 up for sale and at that point we’re going to move the FROLI to our newer 2019 Northern Lite 10-2. Stay tuned for that video. We’ll talk about what we expected when we installed it, how it met our expectations and how difficult it is to move. We’ll also discuss how well it’s worked for us since we put it in our older camper.

If you’re interested in purchasing a FROLI, we are now affiliates. Our partnership allows us to offer you a 15% discount code on your purchase, you can click this link and not only will you get 15% off your purchase, we’ll get the credit. This helps to support our channel on YouTube as well as allowing us to offer informative content like you see on our website here. Thank you in advance for your support and safe travels out there!

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